New building project in Munich Pasing
The Paseo Carré is being built on the former general cargo site of approximately 8,500 sqm to the east of the Munich Pasing railway station – a new city quarter with excellent transport links and a wonderful parkside location.
Around 100 apartments as well as around 100 private flats and approx. 7,600 sqm of commercial space are planned.
For your own occupancy or as a capital investment)
Energy certificate after completion.
For more information on the Paseo Carré and the PURE flats, STYLE point blocks and LIFE town houses can be found at www.paseo-carre.de.
Energy certificate after completion.
Are you interested? We will happily provide you with information on the property you desire.
M-CONCEPT Real Estate – Contact form – Sales through Walser Immobiliengruppe (Residential)M-CONCEPT NEWSLETTER:
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> Bauarbeiten für Stadtquartier Paseo Carré schreiten planmäßig voran
> M-CONCEPT Real Estate verkauft und vermietet Büroneubau in Pasinger Quartier “Paseo Carré”
> Stadt München erteilt Baugenehmigung für Wohn- und Gewerbequartier Paseo Carré in Pasing
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